
Showing posts from March, 2021


     What's the first thing that comes to mind when you hear about the world trade center? the tragedy of 9.11 right? for those who don't know what i'm talking about, on the morning of September 11 2001, an Al Qaeda affiliated hijackers flew two Boeing 767 jets into the twin towers within minutes of each and the towers which took years and billions to build was destroyed in less than two hours. the world trade center before the tragedy of 9.11 was a large complex of seven buildings in the finacial district of lower Manhattan New York, United was opened in April 4 1973. For more details please visit wikipaedia. what we really what to know is what goes on in the world trade center? first off you must be aware that a world trade center is an apolilitical organisation that can be found in any country, basically, what it does is to provide businesses with ability to access international trade services and facilities and also help to facilitates trade by briging t
Hello everyone, welcome to my blog, my name is Ekoh Uyoyo Sophia but you all can just call me Sophie,this blog is a way for me to explore two of my favourite things, writing and talking business. This is a blog for both young and old proffesionals and also those looking to get into the proffessional world.Please feel free to drop your views and thoughts on the comments section. PS: This is not an entertainment bog so while you can comment on all post, trolling will not be allowed. Thanks.